Cotton Candy Cookies with Twinkie Frosting



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Cotton Candy Cookies with Twinkie Frosting

Who knew cotton candy cookies even existed? THEY DO! They are fantastical. Today I’m showing how I made these pretty little cookies with a special twist. Who here likes Twinkies? Oh good! Twinkie frosting happens to go fabulously with cotton candy cookies.

Cotton Candy Cookies with Twinkie Frosting

These are seriously the easiest cookies to whip up and they are packed with that WOW factor that your kids or guests will love.

The cotton candy cookies are found HERE

The Twinkie frosting is actually Twinkie filling  that you can find HERE

The pretty pink sprinkles can be found HERE

These cookies are so simple, that it is fun to get your kids involved. Stella helped me roll the cookies and our dog, Lola, was right at our feet for moral support the entire time. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know Lola is a cookie lover…

Baking with Kids! Pick a simple cookie recipe like these Cotton Candy Cookies with Twinkie Frosting

Cotton Candy Cookies with Twinkie Frosting
The frosting has a vanilla flavor and is usually for filling treats. I think it looks beautiful as a cookie frosting too! The texture is awesome and it is really easy to work with. Plus, the taste is so much more unique than other pre-made frostings. People will LOVE to hear that it’s twinkie frosting!

You might also like these easy sugar cookies I made:

Easy Sugar Cookie Recipe

Or this Circus Animal Cookie Milkshake recipe:

Circus Animal Cookie Milkshake

Kelly Dixon

Welcome to Smart School House! I’m so glad you are here! I’m Kelly Dixon and my website is designed to inspire your creative side. I hope you visit us here often!

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  1. These look to-die-for! The cute little pink sprinkles on top add a fancy touch to the cookie. These would be a perfect dessert for a bridal shower!