Waffle Cone Garden



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Waffle Cone Garden

Earlier this spring our family planted a new garden. We had a garden in the past but we’re in a new home this year and we were so excited to get a new one going! It took the kids and me a day of visiting various nurseries deciding on what we really wanted to grow. We have a tall, white, raised garden bed that is so pretty! We ended up planting French lavender, artichoke, lettuce, and strawberries (as you can see here).

For us, a family garden is something we work on together. We plant it together, we take turns watering it, and each of us checks up on it at different times of the day when we’re outside. We watch it change, we talk about what we see, and eventually, we get to use the beautiful things we grow. A garden needs nurturing and, with enough care and love, can make you feel proud and happy! Working on our garden together makes us feel grateful for the amazing food and flowers it produces.

Since our garden is coming along nicely, we decided to plant another garden today. A much smaller garden though. So sweet, so simple…. and we got to eat from our garden right away!

Waffle Cone Garden Recipe

A waffle cone garden can be enjoyed without the complications of a regular garden. Just a few supplies and ingredients is all you need to make this special treat with your kids. Just like planting a real garden though, the time together is special. I’m so grateful for the special moments I have with my kids each day.

To make a waffle cone garden, you will need:

  • Waffle cone cups (found next to the ice cream cones at the grocery store)
  • Small silk flowers
  • 1/4 cup of Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup
  • 1 box of brownie mix (which will require eggs, oil, and water)
  • Non-stick spray
  • Mixing bowl
  • Baking dish
  • Toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Electric Mixer

Make a Waffle Cone Garden - fun and easy DIY recipe idea for a party!


  1. Prepare a baking dish with non-stick spray and bake the brownies according to the directions on the box.
  2. Using your toothpick, make sure the center of the brownie dish is completely cooked before pulling it out of the oven. Stick a toothpick in the center of the baking dish. If it comes out clean, the brownies are ready! If it comes out a little gooey, leave the brownies in the oven to bake for a couple of minutes and try again.
  3. Let the brownies cool completely.
  4. Scrape the brownies out of the baking dish and into a mixing bowl.
  5. Add the Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup to the bowl.Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup #Simply5
  6. Using an electric mixer on low speed, blend the baked brownies until they look like real garden soil! The Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup allows the brownies to stick together and not become dry.
  7. Scoop the blended brownies into a waffle cone bowl.
  8. Cut the silk flowers off their stems and “plant” them into the waffle cone garden.
  9. Enjoy with a scoop of ice cream or a tall glass of milk on the side.

Each waffle cone cup serves 2. Store extras in a zip sealed bag or covered container.

 Make a Waffle Cone Garden - fun and easy DIY recipe idea for a party!

Take a moment out of the day to stop and smell the chocolate!

Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup is gluten free, non-GMO, genuine chocolate flavor syrup tastes just like the Hershey’s syrup we had as children.

What are you and your children grateful for? Go ahead – ask them! It’s always interesting, heartwarming, fun (sometimes funny), and fulfilling to spend your time focusing on what the family is grateful for.

Here’s a challenge from Hershey’s for you and your kids:

In five words tell us what makes your day sweet! Tag us on social media and use the hashtag #Simply5 so that we can hear what you say!

 Waffle Cone Garden Recipe with Hershey's syrup

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For more Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup inspired recipes and ideas, be sure to follow them on
Facebook and Twitter . Share your five word #Simply5 answer about what you are grateful for with them too! They’re listening!

Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup is truly made with five simple ingredients. It is available in 21.8 oz. bottles at various grocery stores and in 48 oz. bottles at Costco.

Kelly Dixon

Welcome to Smart School House! I’m so glad you are here! I’m Kelly Dixon and my website is designed to inspire your creative side. I hope you visit us here often!

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